Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Basketball widows

BASKETBALL - the sport and love of most Filipinos.....a makeshift ring on every street, a court in every barangay....
My husband is an ex-pro player who now just plays twice a week to maintain fitness but still gets asked to play for various teams or leagues. Just last week we were in the bank and the guard on duty said he recognised his face from playing on TV .....10 years ago!

When we were newly engaged we had lunch with Lordy Tugade, a famous player in the PBA (Philippine Basketball Association) and old best friend of my husband. It was funny to eat in a restaurant and have fans visit our table for Lordy's autograph - A whole different world that I just knew nothing about but I did enjoy watching the live games in Manila.

I ashamedly confess that in 6 years of marriage I still haven't been to watch any of my husbands games. Not because I don't want to, but sitting on the sidelines with small kids is a big distraction for them, him and a nightmare for me - I attempted it once and ended up riding home in a taxi with the twins screaming their heads off.....maybe when they are old enough to sit still long enough I'll be brave enough to try again.

In England football is the dominant sport and wives joke that they lose their husbands to the screening of big matches and become abandoned 'widows '....I'm not 2nd to basketball at all but family activities often fit around games and conversations regularly revolve around the theme. I've now learned the 'lingo', can name players in the NBA apart from the famous Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant and even shoot hoops with our boys - which I'm actually quite proud of.....3 points for Mummy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's in a name?

D2, Pebbles, Jedi, Orange, Heart, Bubbles, Blessie, Rapunzel, Humber and Choco are just a few of the interesting names that I've come across in our social circle. It always makes me wonder how parents agreed on them? Maybe they have significant meaning...? (I have yet to come across anyone called 'Mango, Banana or Darthvader though!!)

Choosing a name for expectant parents is always an exciting preparation time for any new family and made more interesting for us with our different backgrounds. I loved trying different combinations of names, merging our distinct cultures and naming patterns although it took some time to agree on names especially as we had to come up with two sets of boys names for our twins.

First Names: First Things First!!
My late mother in law chose to name all her sons with the same initial 'R': Reneboy, Rodolfo, Redendo and Ramil.....some of my inlaws then followed suit in the naming of the second generation: Richard, Ryan, Ruther, Ralph and Ranier are just some of my nephews......
Our family surname begins with R too so naming twins* with RR initials would be a bit excessive in my opinion! ( I hope she doesn't mind that I didn't continue the tradition with our kids!??)

* Actually its common to name twins with the same first initial: Katie and Kadie, Diether and Dexter, Windie and Winsel (just a few of the twin sets I know which is really confusing when they are identical twins!)

Some parents here combine their first names to invent a new unique name. Eg. Mark and Sharron could give you the new name of 'Marron'. I tried it for fun but couldn't imagine seriously calling our boys any of the combinations. Double barrel names have become more popular: Kayla May, Amy-Grace, Lucy-Lyn, which are often used as names of at the top of jeepneys.

Middle Names:
In the Philippines your middle name on your birth certificate is automatically your Mothers maiden name.....Funnily enough when I have to fill out official paperwork I have to write out 5 names: 1) First Name 2) English middle name 3) My Mothers maiden name (Philippines middle name) 4) My maiden name (because I chose to keep it) 5) My married surname!!! Its a bit of a squeeze all onto one line and doesn't match the names on my passport or bank cards!

Once you've decided on first or double barrel names, then there is the task of deciding on how you can uniquely spell them - It amazes me how many different ways people come up with! Amy becomes: Aymi, Eyme, Iymeeh etc..... You also need to decide on a 'nickname'. I had always thought that nicknames just evolve over time but I was introduced to another choice that has to be made before you give birth....

They can be a unique derivative: E.g. Kayla May can be combined together to form 'Kym' or you can choose part of a name and repeat it: Jun Jun, Ann Ann, Mai-Mai etc...OR you can invent a whole different name altogether!!!! I don't know our neighbours real name but everyone calls him 'DingDong' - my sons friend is called Katherine but is known to all as 'Lalang'.

So what is in a name?....well, much more than just your average 'Tom, Dick or Harry' thats for sure!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I think parenthood should definitely come with a 'warning' label on the side like the ones on cigarette packets: Smoking is dangerous to your health!......

I love being a Mum - I really can't imagine life any other way.... but I also have noticed some alarming health dangers:

Stress Levels: 4 kids, just a few hours sleep, a crying baby with a cold, a pile of admin, unfinished homework, dinner to cook, washing up, exam revision, meetings to prepare...the list goes on! - I'm pretty good with stress but am a little concerned about the permanent residence of dark suitcases below my eyes.

Grey Hairs & Wrinkles: Natural progression of ageing....but multiplied each year with each addition to the family! Some call them 'laughter lines' and the funny things that kids manage to do definitely deepens them to grooves rather than 'lines'

Biohazardous Waste: Diaper changing, vomit cleaning, toiletbowl washing after the boys have forgotten to lift the seat (and floor washing when the outputs splash off the seat!!!), butt wiping, nose dripping.....grazed knees, diarroah....etc etc.

Nausea: I have a strong stomach and can cope with all the above biohazardous wastes....but have to admit to being a little grossed out when one of our sons had a massive infestion of crawling wriggling thread worms.....
I'm not sure if I should add the art of worm removal as a skill to my resume though!???? It definitely IS a skill though!
Theres something strange in your neighbour hood....who you gonna call?....WORMBUSTER!

Lessons in Plagiarism

Have you ever heard a 4 year old try to say words like 'recompensing' or 'frontlets' or have any clue what those words mean or their context?

My twins in Nursery were required to learn by heart in numerical order, 40 verses from the King James version of the bible for homework! (Who was it who said learning is supposed to be fun!!) UNBELIEVABLE!! Not fun for them or for Mummy!

And then there is the other extreme; my eldest son's projects are like something out of kindergarten - cut and paste magazine pictures.What do they learn from these activities?

Last year he didn't complete a Grade 5 project. I had given countless reminders and offered assistance but Pre-teen disorganisation and playing basketball with his friends took priority so it never got done. The morning it was due and 10 minutes before he had to leave out of the door for school he then suddenly wanted my help....

I hoped it would be a lesson for him and that the no grade might be a 'wake up' call to help kick start him into action, maybe an extra assignment for not doing the work or even detention would do the trick?

I couldn't believe my ears or eyes when he arrived home with a classmates project, handed to him by his Teacher who had told him to photocopy the homework......And what did he get???? An A Grade!!! 100% for watching someone else press the green button on a printing machine and writing his name on the front page!

To be an 'A' student it doesn't take much! For a woodwork project you can just purchase a ready made item from a furniture shop and thats your grade secured.....Sad, but true! much for the actual learning process of any skills or taking pride in ones achievements.....

Outright, unashamed copy and paste techniques taught and accepted in the classroom and a generation of kids who learn nothing, know nothing and can do almost nothing for themselves.
Maybe they just photocopy the graduation diplomas too?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Halo Halo Twins

'Halo Halo' - Not a greeting from a friendly London policeman, but the famous Filipino dessert.

A young, green coconut shell filled with crushed ice, milk, cornflakes, sweetcorn, gelatine, jackfruit, some sweet potatoe, ube, leche flan, a scoop of icecream...and whatever else the kitchen can find.

My husband ordered it on our first date as his strategy for drawing out the time to spend with me. I guess it worked because I wasn't accustomed to the sweetcorn and icecream combination* so it took a while to finish. A perfect name translated 'Mix Mix' - which I've also adopted to describe our kids. A kaleidoscope of skin shades and traits - a bit of this and that thrown together and what do you get?

'Are they twins?'; the question that meets us everytime we go out together to buy groceries. Two boys with not much else in common except their birthday, one asian caramel choco-latte, the other caucasian vanilla ice-cream....Same recipie but different flavours, and now a little milky sister has followed......Halo Halo kids, growing up with a 'mix mix' of language, backgrounds, cultures and world views. West meets East......East meets West......
Toast, marmite and a cup of tea or rice and tocino for breakfast?

* I have now acquired more of an appreciation for the pick and mix flavours thrown together (although I make sure that my order doesn't contain sweetcorn - somehow watching the yellow kernels bob around in purple icecream still doesn't appeal to my palette!)